To the average person the word conference has little or no effect on them whatsoever. But if you were to use the word in a room full of any type of business professionals, you’ll get a reaction. That’s because these people love to attend conferences and it’s mostly about the content and not so much about the swag. Although, it doesn’t hurt to have vendors nearby to hand out samples of their wares. But let’s get back to the conference and how to best organize one.
There are actually seven basic steps to organizing a good conference that provides information, possible educational elements and plenty of social interaction. You could save a fortune by making use of new technology by downloading and using a corporate event app but in case you haven’t, here’s a quick review of the seven steps you’ll need to follow to pull this off.
Step 1 – Money
Everything basically boils down to money. In this case, it is all about the budget that has been earmarked or designated in some way to finance this massive conference. Any event will cost something and generally speaking, the size of the budget will severely impact the size of the conference. Limits are a good idea to keep things under control and manageable.
Step 2 – Theme
You can’t do much with an event if you don’t have some kind of theme to build it around. The great thing about themes is that you can adopt just about anything and convert it into a theme. Planning an event for dentists? Maybe it just happens to be Oral Hygiene Month or Toss Out Your Old Toothbrush Month. It’s not hard to find a theme if you start simple.
Step 3 – Time
Not only does setting a date and time for your conference gives you something to promote, this also sets in motion the timeline you’ll be using. If the event is in three months, a lot of organizing of details will have to be taken care of and confirmed as good to go in a very short hurry. Longer timeframes help a lot, but if you are very organized, time shouldn’t be a huge issue.
Step 4 – Location
Before you get too deep, you need a place to run your event. The venue is one of the most important parts of any kind of event planning. That’s because the size of the venue must match the size of the event. If you have the right venue, everything else should be fairly easy to put together. Just don’t book the first place you see because you want to tick this off of your list.
Step 5 – Sound
The technical side of any conference is what makes your speakers look good. A professional audio/visual company will be your best bet and chances are whoever you hire will have experience working in the venue you have chosen for your event. Make sure they have enough of the gear you need and plenty of batteries just in case a microphone burns a set quickly.
Step 6 – Food
If your conference extends past meal times and is more than a day in length, you will want to have more than just cookies and coffee available. Another way to set your event apart from others is with an amazing and tasty menu. You can serve breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in order to keep everyone interested and in attendance. But refrain from serving junk food.
Step 7 – Team
You will need a strong support team around you in order to pull off all the necessary parts of your conference. Duties spread across a number of people makes the job easier on everyone and ensure that your event goes off without a hitch. A corporate event app can help keeping you focused on the tasks at hand and working with a team keeps it all together.
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