Event Planning, Event Returns

Event Promotion Tips

So you’ve got your event all planned, event app launched and the date is drawing near. Everything has fallen into place without a problem so far. But what if no one attends? Well, you have to take a hard look at the promotion of your event. There should be a fair chunk of change set aside in the budget that is specifically earmarked for advertising and promotion. Here’s how you should spend it.

1 – Newspaper Advertising

Sure, you may think that a printed newspaper is so old school that no one reads them anymore. Well, that is simply not true. Plus, if the newspaper you place your ad in also has an online version, be sure to get your event ad in there as well because that will give you tremendous exposure.

2 – Posters/Signs

Speaking of an old school, you just can’t miss with something as obvious as a poster or sign promoting your event. What gets you the best mileage out of these marketing tools is placement. Be sure to post them in busy areas so more eyes get to see them.

3 – Social Media

You can’t ignore the fact that most everyone spends time online. One of the most cost effective ways of reaching them in through social media marketing. In other words, paid advertising on places like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Producing a video that can be uploaded to YouTube or any other sharable site can also generate interest in the event you have planned.

4 – Email

Another great way to reach people and promote your event is through an email marketing plan. Essentially, you are sending an invite to your event to people through email to their inboxes. It is an effective tool provided you ensure that the subject line is catching or your email may not be opened. Following up with another email notice a few days before the event as a reminder also helps.

5 – Snail Mail

Speaking of mail, direct mail is not extinct like dinosaurs. People still go to the post office to pick up letters, junk mail and some parcels. With an attractively designed flyer you can send them to as few or as many people as you wish through the postal service.

6 – Home Delivery

If your event is intended to attract a wide audience, you may want to look at having fliers or mail outs delivered directly to the door of each person in the target demographic. Sometimes a personal touch such as a home visit with an invitation left behind can do wonders when you are trying to connect with those on the invite list.

You Have To Get The Word Out Somehow

Marketing an event takes planning and a budget that can cover the methods you choose to employ. Not all are as expensive as you may think, and all of the suggestions listed here are worth exploring if you want to have a good turn out for your event.

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